var IBM = IBM || {}; (function () { }).apply(IBM); (function(webapi, $){ function safeAjax(ajaxOptions) { var deferredAjax = $.Deferred(); shell.getTokenDeferred().done(function (token) { // add headers for AJAX if (!ajaxOptions.headers) { $.extend(ajaxOptions, { headers: { "__RequestVerificationToken": token } }); } else { ajaxOptions.headers["__RequestVerificationToken"] = token; } $.ajax(ajaxOptions) .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { validateLoginSession(data, textStatus, jqXHR, deferredAjax.resolve); }).fail(deferredAjax.reject); //AJAX }).fail(function () { deferredAjax.rejectWith(this, arguments); // on token failure pass the token AJAX and args }); return deferredAjax.promise(); } webapi.safeAjax = safeAjax; })(window.webapi = window.webapi || {}, jQuery) var API_OS_UK_APIKEY = 0; IBM.Forms = (function () { return { setVisible: function (fieldName, visible) { if (visible) { $('#' + fieldName).parent().parent().parent().show(); } else { $('#' + fieldName).parent().parent().parent().hide(); } }, setSectionVisible: function (name, visible) { /// ///Sets the section with the name provided to be visible or not, depending on the value passed in for ‘visible’. /// ///The name of the field. ///The value to apply to the field. if (typeof name === 'string') { name = [name]; } for (var a = 0; a <= name.length; a++) { if (visible) { $('table [name="' + name[a] + '"]').show(); $('.section[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').show(); $('.section[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').prev('.section-title').show(); $('table[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').parent().show(); } else { $('table [name="' + name[a] + '"]').hide(); $('.section[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').hide(); $('.section[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').prev('.section-title').hide(); $('table[data-name="' + name[a] + '"]').parent().hide(); } } }, setRequired: function (name, isRequired, failOnFalse, errorMsg) { if ($('#' + name).length < 1) { return; } if (typeof (Page_Validators) === 'undefined') return; var exists = $('#RequiredFieldValidator' + name).length > 0; errorMsg = errorMsg === null || errorMsg === '' || typeof (errorMsg) === 'undefined' ? $('label[for="' + name + '"], label[id="' + name + '_label"]').text() : errorMsg; if (isRequired) { //Does validator exist already? if (!exists) { var validator = document.createElement('span'); = "none"; = 'RequiredFieldValidator' + name; validator.controltovalidate = name; validator.errormessage = errorMsg + ' is a required field.'; validator.evaluationfunction = function () { return !(getValue(name) === null || getValue(name) === 'undefined' || getValue(name) === '' || !getValue(name) && failOnFalse && ($('#' + name).hasClass('checkbox') || $('#' + name).hasClass('boolean-radio'))); }; Page_Validators.push(validator); $('label[for="' + name + '"], label[id="' + name + '_label"]').parent().find('.validators').append($(validator)); } //Hook up event to validate $('label[for="' + name + '"], label[id="' + name + '_label"]').parent().addClass('required'); ValidatorEnable($('#RequiredFieldValidator' + name)[0], true); } else { if (exists) { $('label[for="' + name + '"], label[id="' + name + '_label"]').parent().removeClass('required'); ValidatorEnable($('#RequiredFieldValidator' + name)[0], false); } } function getValue (name) { if ($('#' + name).length === 0) { return ''; } if ($('#' + name).attr('type') === 'checkbox') { return $('#' + name).prop('checked'); } else if ($('#' + name).hasClass('boolean-radio')) { return $('#' + name + '_1').prop('checked'); } else if ($('#' + name).hasClass('boolean-dropdown')) { return $('#' + name + ' option:selected').val() === "1"; } else if ($('#' + name).hasClass('picklist vertical') || $('#' + name).hasClass('picklist horizontal')) { return $('input[id*="' + name + '"]:checked').length > 0 ? $('input[id*="' + name + '"]:checked').val() : null; } else { return $('#' + name).val(); } } } } })(); IBM.RecentActivity = (function () { return { showSummary: function (containerName, id) { var container = $('#' + containerName); if (container.hasClass("ipssmd-trackit-viewmore-holder-closed")) { var url = window.location.href; if(url.endsWith("/myaccount") || url.endsWith("/myaccount/")) { var detailsUrl = "details?id="; } else{ //var detailsUrl = "myaccount/details?id="; var detailsUrl = "details?id="; } $('#' + containerName).load(detailsUrl + id, function () { container.removeClass("ipssmd-trackit-viewmore-holder-closed"); container.addClass("ipssmd-trackit-viewmore-holder"); }); } else { container.html(''); container.removeClass("ipssmd-trackit-viewmore-holder"); container.addClass("ipssmd-trackit-viewmore-holder-closed"); } } } })(); IBM.Portal = IBM.Portal || function () { return { setLookupAsAddressOOB: function (addressLookupId) { var addressLookupSelector = '#' + addressLookupId; // Get text from content snippets var searchMessage = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/SearchMessage"] }}'; var noResultsAlert = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/NoResultsMessage"] }}'; var noResultsInitialAlert = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/InitialAlertMessage"] }}'; var searchTitle = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/ModalTitle"] }}'; var instructions = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/ModalInstructionMessage"] }}'; var addressSavingError = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/ErrorSaving"] }}'; var addressSaveInProgressMessage = '{{ snippets["IBM/Address/SaveInProgressMessage"] }}'; // When the input box is clicked, the modal is opened (by emulating a click on the search button) $(addressLookupSelector + '_name').click(function () { $(addressLookupSelector).parent().find('.fa.fa-search').click(); }); // Set UI text $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('.query.form-control').attr('data-original-title', searchMessage); $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('.query.form-control').attr('aria-label', searchMessage); $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal > div.entity-lookup > section > .modal-dialog > .modal-content > .modal-header > h1.modal-title').text(searchTitle); // Set alert at the bottom $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('.view-empty.message > div.alert').text(noResultsInitialAlert); // Reset alert at bottom to original text when a search has been done $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('[title="Search Results"].btn').click(function () { $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('.view-empty.message > div.alert').text(noResultsAlert); }); // Make search box full width $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('div.input-group.pull-left.view-search.entitylist-search').attr('style', 'width:auto;'); // Remove sorting link $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('a[role="button"][aria-label="Full address"]').parent().append('Address'); $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('a[role="button"][aria-label="Full address"]').remove(); $('#' + addressLookupId + '_lookupmodal').find('.pull-right.toolbar-actions').prepend(instructions); // Clear alert below lookup field function clearNotification(id) { if ($('#' + id).length > 0) { $('#' + id).remove(); } } // Add alert below lookup field function addNotification(id, message, type, afterElement) { if ($('#' + id).length == 0) { afterElement.append('
' + message + '<\/div>'); } } // When an address has been selected $(addressLookupSelector).change(function (changeEvent) { if ($(addressLookupSelector).val() == "" || $(addressLookupSelector).val() == null) return; addNotification('savingAddress', addressSaveInProgressMessage, 'warning', $(addressLookupSelector).parent().parent()); // Call OData service to create address $.ajax({ url: '/_odata/CreateAddress?$filter=ibm_lookupid%20eq%20%27' + $(addressLookupSelector).val() + '%27', type: 'GET', success: function (data) { $(addressLookupSelector).val(data.value[0].ibm_addressid); clearNotification('addressError'); clearNotification('savingAddress'); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, status, error) { addNotification('addressError', addressSavingError, 'danger', $(addressLookupSelector).parent().parent()); clearNotification('savingAddress'); } }); }); }, setLookupAsAddress: function (name, manualSection, onAddressSelected,onManualSectionShown) { var outOfAreaAddresses = null; function findAddressFromAPI(_address, _name, _manualSection ){ outOfAreaAddresses = null; var url = '' + _address + '&dataset=LPI'; var apiKey = '&key=' + API_OS_UK_APIKEY; $.getJSON(url + apiKey, function(data){ if (data.results && data.results.length > 0){ outOfAreaAddresses = data.results; handlResultAPIFoundAddress(_name, _manualSection); }else { showManualAddressSection(_name, _manualSection); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(true); } } }).fail(function (){ showManualAddressSection(_name, _manualSection); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(true); } }); } function findPostCodeFromAPI(_postCode, _name, _manualSection ){ $.getJSON("/_api/ibm_settings?$select=ibm_name,ibm_textvalue&$filter=ibm_name eq 'API.OS.UK.APIKEY'&$top=1", function (data){ outOfAreaAddresses = null; var url = '' + _postCode + '&dataset=LPI'; API_OS_UK_APIKEY = data.value[0].ibm_textvalue; var apiKey = '&key=' + API_OS_UK_APIKEY; $.getJSON(url + apiKey, function(data){ if (data.results && data.results.length > 0){ outOfAreaAddresses = data.results; handlResultAPIFoundAddress(_name, _manualSection); }else { findAddressFromAPI(_postCode, _name, _manualSection); } }).fail(function (){ findAddressFromAPI(_postCode, _name, _manualSection); }); }).fail(function (){ console.log('fail settings') }); } function handlResultAPIFoundAddress(_name, _manualSection){ var html = ''; html = ''; for (var ctr = 0; ctr < outOfAreaAddresses.length; ctr++) { if(outOfAreaAddresses[ctr].LPI.ADDRESS != null){ var fullAddress = outOfAreaAddresses[ctr].LPI.ADDRESS.toLowerCase(); fullAddress = fullAddress.substring(0, fullAddress.length - 8) + fullAddress.slice(-8).toUpperCase(); html += ''; } } $('#llpgSelect' + _name).append(html); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).show(); $('#llpgWait' + _name).hide(); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).off('change'); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).change(function () { var value = $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').val(); var LPI = outOfAreaAddresses[value].LPI; $.getJSON("/_api/ibm_addresses?$select=ibm_addressid&$filter=ibm_uprn eq '"+ LPI.UPRN +"'&$top=1", function (data){ if(data.value.length == 0){ var _lsc = ''; switch (LPI.LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE){ case '1': _lsc = 863320000; break; case '3': _lsc = 863320001; break; case '5': _lsc = 863320002; break; case '6': _lsc = 863320003; break; case '7': _lsc = 863320004; break; case '8': _lsc = 863320005; break; case '9': _lsc = 863320006; break; } var record = {}; record.ibm_llpglogicalstatus = _lsc; // Choice record.ibm_postcode = LPI.POSTCODE_LOCATOR; // Text record.ibm_posttown = LPI.TOWN_NAME; // Text record.ibm_town = LPI.TOWN_NAME; // Text record.ibm_uprn = LPI.UPRN; // Text record.cwc_isosplaceaddress = true; record.ibm_localcustodiancode = LPI.LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_CODE; record.ibm_streetname = LPI.STREET_DESCRIPTION; record.ibm_easting = LPI.X_COORDINATE; record.ibm_northing = LPI.Y_COORDINATE; record.ibm_lookupid = LPI.UPRN; if(LPI.LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE != undefined){ if(LPI.LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE == 3) record.cwc_alternateaddress = LPI.ADDRESS; if(LPI.LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE == 1) record.ibm_fulladdress = LPI.ADDRESS; } if (LPI.PAO_END_NUMBER != undefined) record.ibm_paoendnumber = LPI.PAO_END_NUMBER; if (LPI.PAO_END_SUFFIX != undefined) record.ibm_paoendsuffix = LPI.PAO_END_SUFFIX; if (LPI.PAO_START_NUMBER != undefined) record.ibm_paostartnumber = LPI.PAO_START_NUMBER; if (LPI.PAO_START_SUFFIX != undefined) record.ibm_paostartsuffix = LPI.PAO_START_SUFFIX; if (LPI.PAO_TEXT != undefined) record.ibm_paotext = LPI.PAO_TEXT; // record.ibm_paon = 'N/A'; // record.ibm_parentaddressid = LPI.PARENT_UPRN; this field is lookup if (LPI.SAO_END_NUMBER != undefined) record.ibm_saoendnumber = LPI.SAO_END_NUMBER; if (LPI.SAO_END_SUFFIX != undefined) record.ibm_saoendsuffix = LPI.SAO_END_SUFFIX; if (LPI.SAO_START_NUMBER != undefined) record.ibm_saostartnumber = LPI.SAO_START_NUMBER; if (LPI.SAO_START_SUFFIX != undefined) record.ibm_saostartsuffix = LPI.SAO_START_SUFFIX; if (LPI.SAO_TEXT != undefined) record.ibm_saotext = LPI.SAO_TEXT; // record.ibm_saon = 'N/A' // record.ibm_usrn = LPI.USRN; // record.ibm_wardcode = 'N/A'; // record.ibm_wardname = 'N/A'; // THOROUGHFARE_NAME --> street if(LPI.LOCAL_CUSTODIAN_CODE == '4635') record.ibm_isinarea = true; // Boolean else record.ibm_isinarea = false; // Boolean var _addressSplit = LPI.ADDRESS.split(','); $.each(_addressSplit, function (key, value){ if(parseInt(_addressSplit[0]) == _addressSplit[0]){ if (key == 0) record.ibm_paon = _addressSplit[0]; if (key == 1) record.ibm_line1 = _addressSplit[0] + ' ' + value.trim(); else if (key == 2) record.ibm_line2 = value.trim(); else if (key == 3) record.ibm_line3 = value.trim(); else if (key == 4) record.ibm_line4 = value.trim(); else if (key == 5) record.ibm_line5 = value.trim(); else if (key == 6) record.ibm_line6 = value.trim(); else if (key == 7) record.ibm_line7 = value.trim(); }else { if(key == 0) record.ibm_line1 = value.trim(); else if(key == 1) record.ibm_line2 = value.trim(); else if(key == 2) record.ibm_line3 = value.trim(); else if(key == 3) record.ibm_line4 = value.trim(); else if(key == 4) record.ibm_line5 = value.trim(); else if(key == 5) record.ibm_line6 = value.trim(); else if(key == 6) record.ibm_line7 = value.trim(); } }); webapi.safeAjax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", url: "/_api/ibm_addresses", data: JSON.stringify(record), success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) { var newId = xhr.getResponseHeader("entityid"); if (newId != null && newId != "" && newId != "none") { var isInArea = $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').data('isinarea'); $('#' + _name).val(newId); $('#' + _name + "_entityname").val("ibm_address"); $('#' + _name + "_name").val($('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + _name).val($('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + _name).css("text-transform", "capitalize"); $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option').remove(); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).hide(); if (onAddressSelected != null) { onAddressSelected({ SelectedOption: { Text: $('#llpg' + _name).val(), Value: $('#' + _name).val(), IsInArea: isInArea } }); } $('#' + _name).trigger("change"); if (_manualSection != null && _manualSection != "") { IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(_manualSection, false); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(false); } } } else { $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option').remove(); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).hide(); showManualAddressSection(_name, _manualSection); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(true); } } }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(xhr); }, fail: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ){ console.log('Fail Ajax'); } }); }else{ var findId = data.value[0].ibm_addressid; var isInArea = $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').data('isinarea'); $('#' + _name).val(findId); $('#' + _name + "_entityname").val("ibm_address"); $('#' + _name + "_name").val($('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + _name).val($('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + _name).css("text-transform", "capitalize"); $('#llpgSelect' + _name + ' option').remove(); $('#llpgSelect' + _name).hide(); if (onAddressSelected != null) { onAddressSelected({ SelectedOption: { Text: $('#llpg' + _name).val(), Value: $('#' + _name).val(), IsInArea: isInArea } }); } $('#' + _name).trigger("change"); if (_manualSection != null && _manualSection != "") { IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(_manualSection, false); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(false); } } } }).fail(function (){ console.log('fail settings'); }); }); } function showManualAddressSection(name,manualSection) { $('#llpgWait' + name).hide(); $('#llpgNone' + name).show(); $('#llpg' + name).val(''); $('#' + name).val(''); $(addressLookupSelector + "_name").val(''); if (manualSection != null && manualSection != "") { IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(manualSection, true); IBM.Portal.getSystemAddress(name); } } var addressLookupSelector = '#' + name; $(addressLookupSelector + '_name').parent().hide(); $(addressLookupSelector + '_name').parent().css('visibility', 'hidden'); if(manualSection != null && manualSection != "") IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(manualSection, false); var html = ''; html += '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + ''; $(addressLookupSelector + '_name').parents('.control').append(html); if ($(addressLookupSelector).val() != null && $('#' + name).val() != "") { $('#llpg' + name).val($(addressLookupSelector + "_name").val()); } $('#llpg' + name).keyup(function () { $('#' + name).val(null); $('#' + name + "_entityname").val("ibm_address"); $('#' + name + "_name").val(""); }); $('#llpgSearch' + name).click(function () { if ($('#llpg' + name).prop('readonly')) { return false; } $('#llpgWait' + name).show(); $('#llpgSelect' + name).hide(); $('#llpgNone' + name).hide(); $('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option').remove(); var filter = ""; var searchDefinition = $('#llpg' + name).val(); var postcode_regex = /[a-zA-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9a-zA-Z]?[ ]?[0-9][a-zA-Z]{2}/g; var postcodes = searchDefinition.match(postcode_regex); var postCode; var postCodeMatch; var firstPart; var lastPart; if (postcodes != null && postcodes.length > 0) { postCodeMatch = postcodes[0]; postCode = postCodeMatch; if (postCode.indexOf(' ') < 0) { postCode = postCode.substr(0, postCode.length - 3) + ' ' + postCode.substr(postCode.length - 3); } if (postCode.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { firstPart = postCode.substr(0, postCode.length - 3).trim(); lastPart = postCode.substr(postCode.length - 3).trim(); postCode = firstPart + " " + lastPart; } var postcodePos = searchDefinition.indexOf(postCodeMatch); houseNameNumber = searchDefinition.substr(0, postcodePos).trim(); filter = "(startswith(ibm_postcode, '" + firstPart + "') and endswith(ibm_postcode, '" + lastPart + "'))" } else { filter = "(startswith(ibm_postcode, '" + searchDefinition + "'))"; } filter = filter + "and (ibm_llpglogicalstatus/Value ne 863320004 and ibm_llpglogicalstatus/Value ne 863320005 and ibm_llpglogicalstatus/Value ne 863320006)"; filter = filter + " and (cwc_isosplaceaddress ne true)" $.ajax({ url: "/_odata/ExternalAddresses?$filter=" + filter, type: 'GET', success: function (data) { data = data.value; if (data.length > 0) { var html = ''; html = ''; for (var ctr = 0; ctr < data.length; ctr++) { if(data[ctr].ibm_fulladdress != null){ var fullAddress = data[ctr].ibm_fulladdress.toLowerCase(); fullAddress = fullAddress.substring(0, fullAddress.length - 8) + fullAddress.slice(-8).toUpperCase(); html += ''; } } if (manualSection != null && manualSection != "") html += ''; $('#llpgSelect' + name).append(html); $('#llpgSelect' + name).show(); $('#llpgWait' + name).hide(); $('#llpgSelect' + name).off('change'); $('#llpgSelect' + name).change(function () { var value = $('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option:selected').val(); if (value != null && value != "" && value != "none") { var isInArea = $('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option:selected').data('isinarea'); $('#' + name).val(value); $('#' + name + "_entityname").val("ibm_address"); $('#' + name + "_name").val($('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + name).val($('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option:selected').text()); $('#llpg' + name).css("text-transform", "capitalize"); $('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option').remove(); $('#llpgSelect' + name).hide(); if (onAddressSelected != null) { onAddressSelected({ SelectedOption: { Text: $('#llpg' + name).val(), Value: $('#' + name).val(), IsInArea: isInArea } }); } $('#' + name).trigger("change"); if (manualSection != null && manualSection != "") { IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(manualSection, false); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(false); } } } else { $('#llpgSelect' + name + ' option').remove(); $('#llpgSelect' + name).hide(); showManualAddressSection(name, manualSection); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(true); } } }); } else { // No address found findPostCodeFromAPI($('#llpg' + name).val(), name, manualSection); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, status, error) { } }); }); if ($('#' + name + "_name").val() != null || $('#' + name + "_name").val() != "") { if (manualSection != null && manualSection != "") IBM.Portal.isSystemAddress(name, manualSection, onManualSectionShown); } }, getSystemAddress: function (name) { var address = $.ajax({ url: "/_odata/ExternalAddresses?$filter=ibm_systemrecordtype/Value eq 863320000", type: 'GET', success: function (data) { $('#' + name).val(data.value[0].ibm_addressid); $('#' + name + "_entityname").val("ibm_address"); $('#' + name + "_name").val(data.value[0].ibm_fulladdress); } }); }, isSystemAddress: function (name,manualSection,onManualSectionShown) { var address = $.ajax({ url: "/_odata/ExternalAddresses?$filter=ibm_systemrecordtype/Value eq 863320000", type: 'GET', success: function (data) { if ($('#' + name).val() == data.value[0].ibm_addressid) { $('#llpgWait' + name).hide(); $('#llpgNone' + name).show(); $('#llpg' + name).val(''); //$('#' + name).val(''); //IBM.Portal.getSystemAddress(name); //$(addressLookupSelector + "_name").val(''); if (manualSection != null && manualSection != "") { IBM.Forms.setSectionVisible(manualSection, true); if (onManualSectionShown != null) { onManualSectionShown(true); } } } } }); }, formatAddress: function (name){ var fullAddress = $('#' + name).val().toLowerCase(); fullAddress = fullAddress.substring(0, fullAddress.length - 8) + fullAddress.slice(-8).toUpperCase(); $('#' + name).val(fullAddress); $('#' + name).css("text-transform", "capitalize"); }, checkTimezone: function (dateField) { var offset = moment().utcOffset(); var offsetOfSlot = new Date($("#" + dateField).val()).getTimezoneOffset(); if(offsetOfSlot == -60){ var convertedTime = new Date($("#" + dateField).val()); convertedTime.setHours(convertedTime.getHours() + 1); convertedTime = convertedTime.toISOString().slice(0, -1); $("#" + dateField).val(convertedTime += "0000Z"); } }, sendUserToPage: function (currentLocationObject, newRelativeURL) { window.location.href= currentLocationObject.protocol + "//"+ + newRelativeURL +; } }; }();